Below are outlined the main duties of each of the three officers of the MRCO Committee.
At present there is a vacancy for the Secretary’s role and there is likely to be a vacancy for the Treasurer’s role also. The Chair’s role has been added because it is important to see how the three roles interact. The size of the Orchestra Committee need not be limited to these three people and it is desirable that practical jobs are shared more widely. Concert organisation, for example, requires a larger team of helpers.
The Treasurer’s principal responsibilities include
- managing the income and expenditure of the MRCO, maintaining a positive account balance;
- maintaining accurate financial records;
- liaising as necessary with the bank and acting as a signatory on the MRCO account;
- presenting accounts once a year at the Annual General Meeting;
- advising the Chair and other Committee Members of any impending changes to the funding of the Orchestra;
- approving expenditure by agreement with the other Committee Members;
- implementing financial controls agreed by the Orchestra Committee and keeping these under review;
- agreeing the appropriate level of subscriptions to be paid by members of the MRCO with other Orchestra Committee members and monitoring the payment of subsciptions;
- having discretion to agree subsidies on request;
- ensuring that the MRCO’s insurance cover is adequate and bringing it forward to the Orchestra Committee for annual review;
- as an active member of the Orchestra Committee, performing any other duties by agreement e.g. assisting with concert and rehearsal arrangements.
The Secretary’s principal responsibilities include
- communicating with all members of the Orchestra as needed, welcoming new members and maintaining up-to-date membership records;
- agreeing and publishing the calendar of rehearsals and events on the website, after liaison with the Musical Director and members of the Committee;
- booking rehearsal and concert venues as agreed by the Orchestra Committee, and liaising with the Treasurer, to ensure invoices can be presented and paid promptly;
- acting as a signatory on the MRCO account;
- liaising with the Webmaster to ensure that communications, advertisements and all important information can be shared with members of the Orchestra and the wider public, as appropriate;
- ensuring that notice of the AGM and all papers are circulated in a timely manner;
- attending and taking minutes of meetings of the Orchestra Committee and the AGM and publishing the minutes in a timely manner;
- as an active member of the Orchestra Committee, performing any other duties by agreement e.g. assisting with concert and rehearsal arrangements.
The Chair’s principal responsibilities include
- overseeing the smooth running of the Orchestra to ensure it achieves its musical objectives;
- liaising with the Secretary and Treasurer and setting the agenda for the AGM and any meetings of the Committee;
- chairing the meetings, whether online or in person, and approving the Minutes before they are circulated;
- liaising regularly with the Musical Director to ensure that he is able to direct the Orchestra and maintain a good flow of published music;
- acting as a signatory on the MRCO account;
- as an active member of the Orchestra Committee, performing any other duties by agreement e.g. assisting with concert and rehearsal arrangements.